Holy shit!
I've been away from the board for only a couple of hours and the whole goddamned thing is lit up!
just heard from a reliable source that some at the canadian branch have received their lay-off notices under their doors at bethel.
don't know what the letter looks like.
probably something like, " the tribe has spoken, bring us your torches"
Holy shit!
I've been away from the board for only a couple of hours and the whole goddamned thing is lit up!
are the governing body of the wt wickedly smart with extremely high iq or are they leaders of the wt because they were at the right place at the right time.
(in other words, pure luck )-think lottery.
ive seen them talk in jwtv and you can never convince anyone in the whole world that these guys are in the same category as someone smart or cunning like jim simons who founded renaissance technologies or bill gates.
i found this picture and i just can't believe it?
I'll take a Sprite and the turkey sandwich.
So will it still be raining when we land in Chicago?
since the move, it has been so enjoyable to not have jw's breathing down our necks asking why we didn't make the meeting, or having to pretend to be "spiritual" in front of family all the time.. 90% of my week is virtually stress free.
then, my mom calls or texts wanting to talk to her grandkids.
every dang call, she asks about the new congregation, if we went to the meeting, etc.. why can't i tell her to fk off?
No, you're not a coward.
Here's an example of what I (with the help of my wife) did to end this kind of nonsense with my toxic mother:
So years back (still an active, believing witness elder), I would get weekly calls from my mother where she'd push my buttons. I'd hang up, feeling angry, guilty, upset -- and this got my wife mad (don't get my wife mad!)
So my wife wisely suggested that next time I get my call, put the speakerphone on and tell mother "I have you on speaker and Mrs BOC is listening."
Well, wouldn't you know, next call comes, and I do exactly what my wife suggested. After telling my mother I had her on speaker, she seemed to forget why she called and asked about the weather or something like that. The exchange ended quickly and without any of the usual nonsense.
I repeated this several weeks in a row, and guess what? Same thing. Eventually, calls from my mother ceased altogether. Now, I get a call from her once in a blue moon, and when she does call, she is on her "best behavior" even without my wife listening in.
Why did this work? Because by putting my mother on speaker with my wife, my mother's "millieu control" was compromised. Controlling, abusive people don't like to appear controlling and abusive, so they do what they do out of sight/earshot or in secret. Taking away control of the "millieu" (in this case a private phone conversation) was enough to quash the controlling behavior, and over time it just ended.
So if you can find some small but specific way of taking the control out of your mother's hands (and you would know how to do this better than me) it may just work.
when the gb cuts loose 1600 volunteers, what makes them think they can continue telling them how they will spend their time?
i've read on many of these threads that the 1600 will be reassigned.
what, are they still under some sort of contract?.
In a nearby hall, there's a single ex-bethelite who was "reassigned to the field" in the early 2000s.
Over a decade later, he is broke, still living in someone's basement, and working full time at the local convenience store, sweeping the floor and making coffee.
So no, they can't be "forced" to pioneer. . . .
All this talk of "reassigning bethelites as pioneers" is simply doublespeak for layoffs.
october 4, 2015. to all congregations.
re: new provisions announced atannual meeting.
dear brothers:.
Damn! Couldn't the Like/Dislike buttons be a little farther apart?
Sorry OTWO.
[edit] and now my dislike just disappeared. Whatever.
i showed up for saturday morning field service and i was partnered with an elder who had transferred to our congregation in the dallas, texas area from michigan.
i told him about a recent embarrassing moment where i had played a "worldly" song during the sunday meeting due to someone replacing the cassette i had placed in the cassette player late friday night that had the correct "kingdom melody.".
out of the blue he said "about 4 years ago i was giving the sunday talk and i kept sporting a boner from time to time which was bizarre since being horny and teaching about jehovah is typically not something one associates with one another.".
i asked if the new britain branch construction had stopped, and i was told that "the governing body instructed us to cease all work on the project.".
"earthquakes" in one place after another!.
Good work SEARCHER!
I get the feeling that you managed to slip thru the society's information firewall and got a straight answer.
They won't let that happen again!
i just got the new document about blood fractions from the wt, they will allow you to choose hemoglobin, but apparently not packed red blood cells, but in the medical journal i see nothing about hemoglobin infusions, is this even possible or just more bullshit from the wt?
A generation is two overlapping generations. . .. . .
Asking for money is not soliciting funds. . . .
Kingdom Halls aren't churches. . . . ..
A Hemoglobin infusion isn't a blood transfusion . . .
Makes sense.
i am a dyed in the wool carnivore.
i suffer from cheese addiction.
lobsters are mercilessly boiled alive.. but after watching this new documentary called cowspiracy on netflix, all that may change.
If you do it right, a vegan diet is pretty damn healthy. . . . I did it myself for health reasons -- not environmental/animal rights -- but then again there are some pretty good arguments for doing it on those grounds alone.
I say give it a try.